Francisco Vila wrote Sunday, October 11, 2009 3:54 PM
2009/10/11 Hajo Dezelski <>:
Could be, but as far as I remember it is recommended, that you
uninstall the old version before you install the knew one.
It is not only recommended, you can not install the new version
without previously uninstalling the old one, because the installer
refuses to continue.
You don't need to uninstall; rename works
fine if you want to keep the previous around.
It's actually quite easy in Windows to keep
several versions of LilyPond to hand. Simply
rename all the directories in Program Files
except the one you're currently using.
The only slight problem I've seen is that the
path accumulates refs to LP /bin which need to
be removed occasionally for efficiency.
Why do I do this? Well, it makes it much
easier to track down any bugs to the first
release in which they appeared. I've done
this several times.
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