Francisco Vila wrote Monday, October 05, 2009 4:01 PM
Thankyou, Trevor and Valentin. As you possibly imagine, this goes
about converting to LilyPond to a Finale+Fromino user, a guitar
professor colleague of mine. He lost his purchased Fromino
installation after one of his routine HDF+WR
2009/10/5 Valentin Villenave <>:
On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Trevor Daniels
<> wrote:
Hello, would this kind of ancient tablatures very difficult to
I don't know, but it is very beautiful, isn't it!
Yes indeed. I'm CCing the tablatures list, and perhaps we could
consider a feature request in the tracker at some point?
Lute tablature is different from guitar in that
the bass strings are indicated by symbols under
the tab lines. This would be one of the changes
required. There are also many different styles.
LP can be configured to produce tabs for any
number of strings and tunings, so that requirement
is met already.
Fonts for the special symbols used in
It is Baroque Lute TAB (in the French, German,
English style).
would also be required.
Fronimo uses its own custom fonts for this style.
They are licensed with the phrase:
"The fonts coming with Fronimo are given for
free, but their use is restricted to non
commercial purposes for unregistered users."
So they would not be available for use in LP
under our current license, which permits
commercial use.
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