Bingo! Thanks, Neil. I was on vacation, with no internet access, so I didn't
get to try this until today. Yes, ConTEXT works on Ubuntu through Wine.

Thanks again,


On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 6:18 PM, Neil Puttock <> wrote:

> 2009/9/18 Ralph Palmer <>:
> > ConTEXT, my favorite text editor for LilyPond and ABC on my WinXP
> machine,
> > has recently gone open source. Has anyone successfully ported (is that
> the
> > correct term? Compiled for?) ConTEXT to Linux? If so, would you be
> willing
> > to help me get ConTEXT going on my Ubuntu machine? My programming skills
> are
> > minimal. If we're successful, I'd be happy to share the process with
> others.
> Your best bet is probably to install Wine and run it under emulation.
> Though I'm not familiar with ConTEXT, I've just downloaded it and it
> seems to work fine with Wine.
> If you don't have Wine installed, you can get it via Synaptic or
> directly from the shell by typing the following:
> sudo apt-get install wine
> Then it's just a matter of downloading the ConTEXT .exe and
> right-clicking on it to select `Open with "Wine Windows Program
> Loader"'; this will install it just like a Windows program.
> Regards,
> Neil

Ralph Palmer
Montague City, MA
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