2009/9/18 Ralph Palmer <palmer.r.vio...@gmail.com>:

> ConTEXT, my favorite text editor for LilyPond and ABC on my WinXP machine,
> has recently gone open source. Has anyone successfully ported (is that the
> correct term? Compiled for?) ConTEXT to Linux? If so, would you be willing
> to help me get ConTEXT going on my Ubuntu machine? My programming skills are
> minimal. If we're successful, I'd be happy to share the process with others.

Your best bet is probably to install Wine and run it under emulation.
Though I'm not familiar with ConTEXT, I've just downloaded it and it
seems to work fine with Wine.

If you don't have Wine installed, you can get it via Synaptic or
directly from the shell by typing the following:

sudo apt-get install wine

Then it's just a matter of downloading the ConTEXT .exe and
right-clicking on it to select `Open with "Wine Windows Program
Loader"'; this will install it just like a Windows program.


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