>> I would like the default behaviour of 2/4 time, i.e. beams end at the
>> end of each beat.
>> However, if there are only 8th notes in the measure, I would like the
>> beam not to stop half measure as shown below.
>> Is it possible to achieve that with automatic rules? With 2.13 maybe?
>> but I did not see in the doc. what really changed in that version.
> With the new version of 2.13, you can get *almost* all of this.
> The final group c8[ c16 c] will not be automatically grouped right now,
> because the current logic for the auto-beam ending doesn't look forward
> clear to the end of the beam.
> I have identified where to fix this, but I don't yet have code that is
> ready for inclusion in LilyPond.  I hope to have it fixed in about three
> weeks.  (This week is the beginning of school, so I have *LOTS* to do, and
> very little time to spend on LilyPond.)

Hi Carl, I have read the doc of 2.13 but do not think it is possible.
I particular, I would like:
c8 c c c -> c8[ c c c]
c16 c c8 c c -> c16[ c c8] c[ c]

Not sure this is achievable automatically.


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