>>>>> "lasconic" == lasconic  <lasco...@gmail.com> writes:

    lasconic> Out of curiosity, which software packages did you try?

midi2ly, midi2abc, noteflight, nted.  These all had spelling errors.

I just tried rosegarden, which exports lilypond directly.  It looks
pretty good, and may be tweakable to be even better if I figure out
either how to get it to speak English or how to understand all the
German options.

    lasconic> Did you try MuseScore http://www.musescore.org?

It does seem to spell better than some of the others (rosegarden wins
on that score so far), but unlike the others, it gets some length(s?)
wrong so that not all the parts are the same length.  As someone
pointed out in a comment on my blog entry, fixing spelling errors is
actually fairly easy compared to finding data entry errors, which is
why to do this exercise at all.  (The person who created the MIDI file
did a good job of proofreading his data entry.)

Laura   (mailto:lcon...@laymusic.org)
(617) 661-8097  233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139   
http://www.laymusic.org/ http://www.serpentpublications.org

There is a law that no formal fromework of an organisation, or a
society, can affect.  Or not for long.  It is that those who do the
work are the real rulers of it, no matter how they are described.

Doris Lessing, The Sirian Experiments

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