> Jan,

Fair enough the scans show your point, though there is other music I know
that has the asymmetric glyph for upbow and I do think the glyph I'm
proposing better matches the stroking on the downbow.

That matter of taste aside, the problem I'm having - while trying to typeset
chamber music for children - is that I would like to write in the cello
pieces a sign for when to look for a violin cue. Ideally this would be a
circled 'V'. This however, then looks dangerously like the upbow glyph.

Is there a way to substitute an asymmetric glyph for upbow, even if we grant
it is not correct?

I have to say that after about 4-5 hours with lillypond I do like it (though
I think there are bugs with the cueing which I've reported). Seems very TeX,
LaTeX like.


> > As an aside the glyph used for upbow doesn't look consistent with the
> > rest of the glyph set. Typically the left hand side of the 'V' is
> > darker than the right. The glyph in use doesn't seem to match the
> > downbow glyph.
> I think you are mistaken here.  The upbow glyph (see scans)
> that I know invarably is symmetric.
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