On 9/5/09 9:37 AM, "Dan Florio" <dflo...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Here are the first few measures of a guitar part in a tune I'm working on:
> (Each line represents a measure)
> \version "2.12.2"
> \header
>   {
>      title = "Percussion Song"
>      composer = "Dan Florio"
>   }
> Guitar = \relative c'
>   {
>      << e1 g d' g >>
>      << e, g d' fis >>
>      << ees, g des' fis >>
>      << ees,2 g des' f >> << ees, g des' e >>
>   }

I doubt this is what you want to do.  You  are putting notes in parallel
contexts (different voices) rather than in chords.

It's much more likely that you want

 Guitar = \relative c'
      < e1 g d' g >
      < e g d' fis >
      < ees g des' fis >
      < ees g des' f >2 < ees g des' e >



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