On 8/8/09 11:59 AM, "Marc Hohl" <m...@hohlart.de> wrote:
> Mark Polesky schrieb:
>> Marc Hohl wrote:
>>> Sorry if this is a stupid question, but here im totally stuck:
>> Not a stupid question. This involves "parser variables" which are
>> giving us developers troubles, too! If you're curious, you can
>> follow this long thread:
>> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-devel/2009-07/msg00921.html
> I followed this thread on -devel, but at some point, it went over my
> head, so
> I didn't read in detail.
>>> I need to define a boolean which is to be changed within a music-function
>>> and a stencil callback.
>> For the music-function you can do this:
>> % you can also do:
>> % mybool = ##f
>> #(define mybool #f)
Why not just change this to
#(define-public mybool #f)
then use mybool everywhere else?
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