Marc Hohl wrote: > Thank you! At least I can play with this ... > > The callback is a little trickier for me for the moment. > > I'll get back to you. > > > Great. I am awaiting your response.
Man, this stuff is tricky. Here's the best I can do for right now. I commented out the third line of myfunc; I wasn't sure how it made sense. Note that a music-function must return music. So you can only use ly:parser-define! *before* the music block. I couldn't get the callback to talk with the parser, so I made a callback that accepts the boolean value from within the music block itself. One caveat: whenever the value of a parser variable is modified (anywhere), it affects everything below, and is not confined to any local scope. You can \include a \score from another directory entirely, and the included score will use the modified value. Will this work for you? - Mark \version "2.13.4-1" #(define mybool #f) myfunc = #(define-music-function (parser location note) (ly:music?) ;(ly:parser-define! parser 'mybool #t) (let* ((mybool (ly:parser-lookup parser 'mybool)) (color (if mybool red blue))) #{ \once \override NoteHead #'color = $color $note #})) #(define-public (custom-callback mybool) (lambda (grob) (if mybool green yellow))) \relative c'' { #(set! mybool #t) \myfunc c % ugh... dummy scheme object to cope with parser-lookahead. % Notice what happens when it's commented out. #0 #(set! mybool #f) \myfunc c \override NoteHead #'color = #(custom-callback mybool) c c % if you change the parser variable, you have to call the \override % again - the callback arg doesn't get updated on-the-fly #(set! mybool #t) \override NoteHead #'color = #(custom-callback mybool) c c } _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list