2009/7/3 Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca>:
> Anyway*2, what other questions would you propose?  My idea is
> that the FAQ should contain 4-10 questions.  Currently, we have
> 1: Why do you change the syntax?
> 2: Something isn't working!
> 3: Where is the app (_maybe_)

3.- could be replaced or followed by

Q: Do I have to read the manuals if I want to do anything with LilyPond?

A: Yes, indeed. Undoubtedly. Absolutely. No, really. It's not a joke:
please read the manuals. Make yourself a favour. [link to the


Another one that could well go anywhere else: (for absolute beginners)

Q: This [text interface] seems to be rather limited, why should I
consider using this program without a GUI?

A: Take a look to our nice examples [link to the nice examples page]
and judge by yourself. The strength of LilyPond lays in the power and
flexibility of its language. Some environments will help you [link to
the helper programs page] but still the language is the key to
successful high-quality engraving, as we see it.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

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