Graham Percival wrote:
Agreed! That's why it goes in "when things go wrong".
Do you mean into the current LM 5.2 "When thing's don't work" or
somewhere else? If you prefer to rename the FAQ (or rather the section
on common mistakes of the FAQ) into "When things go wrong", I'd claim
that it's still a FAQ. However, I'm not convinced that this makes the
information easier to find. Putting it in a level two subsection of the
Learning Manual means that it's not very visible. Even if you make it a
separate chapter of the LM or even a separate document, to increase the
visibility, there will still be a number of people who won't find as
quickly and smoothly as if it was called "FAQ". This is not because
"FAQ" is a better name, but simply since almost every other site has an
FAQ. In other words, if the concept of FAQ had never been invented
before, then your proposal of having a "When things go wrong" is
certainly better than having a FAQ, since it has a more dedicated focus,
but now that "FAQ" already is a well-established concept I think it's a
pity to forbid those three letters to appear at Why not
use it and just let it point to whatever document or section you think
is more relevant?
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