On 6/14/09 3:38 AM, "Reinhold Kainhofer" <reinh...@kainhofer.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi all,
> I'm running into several problems with figured bass while writing another
> large
> orchestral piece. Attached is a sample file highlighting these issues:
> 1) How can I add a figure above a rest? It works for skips, but a figure
> assigned to a rest simply isn't printed at all... (see first vs. second
> measure, where the same figured bass input is used!)
> It works if I use \new FiguredBass for the figured bass, but I need the
> figures
> in the staff, since otherwise they are printed below and they align
> vertically,
> causing them to be too far away from the staff in most places.
Have you tried ignoreFiguredBassRest?
> 2) The figures don't collide with the notes themselves, but they collide with
> the articulations (trills, accents, staccati, etc.) How can I avoid this?
> 3) How can I draw a figure extender without an explicit starting figure (I
> think
> this means that the normal default triad should be held)? If I'm using
> s4 <_> <_> <_>
> then I only get a warning message:
> Programmierfehler: must have Item for spanner bound of BassFigureContinuation
Make an explicit starting triad with 'transparent = ##t ?
I haven't tried any of these, but based on my earlier playing with figured
bass, this is where I'd go.
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