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Hi all,
I'm running into several problems with figured bass while writing another large 
orchestral piece. Attached is a sample file highlighting these issues:

1) How can I add a figure above a rest? It works for skips, but a figure 
assigned to a rest simply isn't printed at all... (see first vs. second 
measure, where the same figured bass input is used!)
It works if I use \new FiguredBass for the figured bass, but I need the figures 
in the staff, since otherwise they are printed below and they align vertically, 
causing them to be too far away from the staff in most places.

2) The figures don't collide with the notes themselves, but they collide  with 
the articulations (trills, accents, staccati, etc.) How can I avoid this?

3) How can I draw a figure extender without an explicit starting figure (I 
this means that the normal default triad should be held)? If I'm using 
  s4 <_> <_> <_> 
then I only get a warning message:
Programmierfehler: must have Item for spanner bound of BassFigureContinuation

I'm preparing an Urtext edition, so these items need to be included. Does 
anyone have an idea how to solve them?

Thanks a lot,
- -- 
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
Reinhold Kainhofer, reinh...@kainhofer.com, http://reinhold.kainhofer.com/
 * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria
 * http://www.fam.tuwien.ac.at/, DVR: 0005886
 * LilyPond, Music typesetting, http://www.lilypond.org
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)

\version "2.12.2"

fb = \figuremode {
  % Question 1: How can I add a figure above a rest??? It works above a skip!
  s4 <6 4> <5 3> <7 _!> |
  s4 <6 4> <5 3> <7 _!> |
  % Question 2: The figures collide with articulations (trill, staccato, accents)...
  <3> <3> <3> <3> |
  % Question 3: How can I draw a simple extender without a starting figure? (i.e. the default 5-3 chord stays)
  s4 <_> <_> <_> |

music = \relative c' {
  g4_"Figure above rest?" c r e |
  g,4 c s e |
  c-|_"Collisions" c\trill c-| c\accent |
  c,_"extender w/o starting figure" e g c, |

\new Score {
  \new Staff <<
    % NOTE: I can't use FiguredBass, because the figures should (1) be above
    %       the notes and (2) they should follow the skyline of the music
    %       instead of being all perfectly aligned vertically (but way too far
    %       away from the actual notes they belong to).
    \new Voice = "FiguredBass" { \fb }
    \new Voice = "Music" { \clef "bass" \music }

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