On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 04:11:17PM -0700, -Eluze wrote:
> Graham Percival-3 wrote:
> > 
> > That's why I suggest that normal users stick to the stable
> > version.
> when i suggested to use a newer version i did not mean it has to be an
> unstable version

All 2.13 releases are unstable.  In version numbers 2.x, if x is
odd then it is unstable; if x is even then it is stable.

> in any case i believe that most lilypond users are able to take the risk -
> or to decline it - of an instable release

True, but this person specifically mentioned that he was a newbie.
In such cases, I recommend a stable (i.e. 2.12.x) version.

> speaking of the diagnostic process: if you hear something works under
> specific circumstances you can narrow the search area - isn't that why you
> are talking to others?

Yes, but when possible I prefer to avoid using newbies as test
subjects.  If I was talking to an experienced lilypond user, I
would certainly consider recommending 2.13.

- Graham

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