Jay Anderson wrote Monday, April 06, 2009 2:50 AM
On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 2:43 PM, Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> wrote:
as long as I have anything to do with LilyPond, I will veto
like this that introduce inconsistent whitespace handling in the
syntax. Please come up with something different. I think the
to use (for example) & as a place holder is much more sane.
OK. Then I vote for a letter like `q' as a repeater for chords.
is a bit cumbersome to type.
I think I would also prefer an alphabetic character also. Note and
rest names only include these characters already so for
sake this new 'repeat note' should also. Also after thinking about
a bit '&' and similar characters would make some scores look even
like line noise:
<c e g>4 &2->\f &4
<c e g>4 q2->\f q4
The 'q' version to my eyes is a bit easier to read.
As I do little note entry myself I don't have a view
on the merits of q vs &, but there is another issue to
consider. If the base chord being repeated contains
tweaks, fingering, etc, are these to be repeated too?
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