Joe Neeman wrote:
On Mon, 2009-01-19 at 18:34 -0600, Jonathan Kulp wrote:
Tom Hall wrote:
Hello List

A triplet that begins with a quaver (8) rest, followed by a crotchet (4) note,
by default prints no bracket. This I thought unusual, more so that an overide as
below seems to make no change either. Is there a simple way to have brackkets
print by default in such cases?

\override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##t

\times 2/3 { r8 e4 }

%Build 2.12.1-1, OSX.4.11 PPC



Strange. Notice that the bracket appears in all of these except the situation Tom gave:

I suspect it's because the r8 e4 example is too narrow. It is the
narrowest of all these examples, so there is probably not enough room
for the tuplet bracket. I'd suggest that the best solution in this case
would be to widen the tuplet bracket rather than suppressing it.


I think you're right, Joe. Kieren's suggestion on the other thread "spacer notes question" helps here, too. Adding a little X extent fixes the problem:

\times 2/3{ r8 \once \override Stem #'X-extent = #'(-1 . 2) e4 }



Jonathan Kulp

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