Tom Hall wrote:
Hello List

A triplet that begins with a quaver (8) rest, followed by a crotchet (4) note,
by default prints no bracket. This I thought unusual, more so that an overide as
below seems to make no change either. Is there a simple way to have brackkets
print by default in such cases?

\override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##t

\times 2/3 { r8 e4 }

%Build 2.12.1-1, OSX.4.11 PPC



Strange. Notice that the bracket appears in all of these except the situation Tom gave:

\version "2.12.1"

\relative c'' {

%\override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##t

c8 d \times 2/3{ r8 e4 } \times 2/3{ r4 e8 } \times 2/3{ r8 e e }
\times 2/3{r4 e e } \times 2/3{e8 e4 }

I thought at first that it didn't like something about the combination of the 8th + quarter durations in a tuplet, but the last example has those durations and the bracket appears. It only leaves the bracket out if it's an 8th rest followed by a quarter note. The quarter rest followed by 8th note has a bracket.

Jonathan Kulp

<<attachment: tuplet.png>>

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