James E. Bailey wrote:
Great, that worked. This is still a workaround, but given that I don't
want to use the major 7 (at least for now) for its original purpose, I
can just say to overwrite it with arpeggioGuitar then I get what I
Rather than subverting your major 7th symbol, you could also set up a
chord exception that adds the arpeggio when you add the 15th to the
chord (which of course you would normally never do):
arpeggioGuitar = \markup \override #'(baseline-skip . -2 ) {
\musicglyph #"space"
\center-column {
\center-column {
\musicglyph #"scripts.arpeggio"
\musicglyph #"scripts.arpeggio"
\musicglyph #"scripts.arpeggio"
\musicglyph #"scripts.arpeggio.arrow.M1"
chExceptionMusic = {
<c ees g c''>1-\markup {m \super \arpeggioGuitar }
chExceptions = #( append
(sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chExceptionMusic #t)
\score {
\chords {
\set chordNameExceptions = #chExceptions
e2:m b:m e1:m5.15 e2:m e:m b:m b:m e:m e:m
\clef "G_8"
\key g \major
\time 4/4
\teeny e'4 <g' b'>4 b4 <d' fis' a'>4 | <e' g' b'>4
r4 r4 \normalsize b4 |
b8 b4. e'4 e'8 e'8 | a4 a8 d'4. r8 b8 | b8 b8
b8 b8 b8 a8 g8 g8 |
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