On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 12:13:59AM +0100, "James E. Bailey" 
<derhindem...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > Second, this does exactly what I want, but how do I use this next to a
> > chord?
> > \chords {\germanChords e2:m b:m e1:m^\arpeggioGuitar e2:m e:m b:m  
> > b:m e:m e:m}
> I'm glad to see you moved to using lilypond's chord input. In order  
> for this to work, you'll have to create a custom chord, as far as I  
> know. Unfortunately, I'm not really good with chordmode, perhaps  
> someone else can help.


Actually I found a semi-workaround (see below), but it shows the sign
below the chord, not on the right side of it, as it was on the original


\version "2.10.0"
\paper {
        ragged-right = ##t

\arpeggioGuitar = \markup  \override #'(baseline-skip . -2 ) {
    \center-column {
     \center-column {
       \musicglyph #"scripts.arpeggio"
       \musicglyph #"scripts.arpeggio"
       \musicglyph #"scripts.arpeggio"
     \musicglyph #"scripts.arpeggio.arrow.M1"

\score {
        \chords {\germanChords e2:m b:m e1:m e2:m e:m b:m b:m e:m e:m}
                \clef "G_8"
                \key g \major
                \time 4/4
                \teeny e'4 <g' b'>4 b4 <d' fis' a'>4 | <e' g' 
b'>4^\arpeggioGuitar r4 r4 \normalsize b4 |
                b8 b4. e'4 e'8 e'8 | a4 a8 d'4. r8 b8 | b8 b8 b8 b8 b8 a8 g8 g8 
        % avoid the indent in the first line
        \layout{indent = 0\cm}

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