>>>>> "Ralph" == Ralph Palmer <palmer.r.vio...@gmail.com> writes:

    Ralph> Does anyone have a recommendation or advice or reason(s)
    Ralph> for going with

    Ralph> 1) Ubuntu with Gnome; 2) Ubuntu and installing KDE; or 3)
    Ralph> Kubuntu with KDE?

I think you should decide whether you want to use KDE or Gnome on your
own.  If possible just play with them both for a while.

Remember that which environment you use doesn't really have much to do
with what applications you can run, as it's fairly easy to install
Gnome Applications on KDE and vice versa.  

I personally use Gnome on my laptop, which is mostly used for web
browsing, and use a desktop (wmaker) that's lighter than either of
them on my desktop.

If you do decide to run KDE on Ubuntu and don't expect to install
gnome applications, you'll probably save some disk space by installing
kubuntu in the first place rather than installing the Ubuntu desktop
with gnome and then putting KDE on.  What I do for the desktop is
install Xubuntu, so that I then end up installing only the parts of
KDE and Gnome that I need for the apps I run.  Which probably ends up
being most of them.

Laura   (mailto:lcon...@laymusic.org http://www.laymusic.org/ )
(617) 661-8097  233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139   

I have only one superstition. I touch all the bases when I hit a home

Babe Ruth

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