Hi, all -

I'm just about to take the plunge into Linux. I have an older Dell Latitude
that I want to use. I was planning to use Ubuntu, with the default Gnome
desktop. Frescobaldi looks interesting, especially after my lack of
happiness with some other packages (esp. LilyPondTool). Does anyone have a
recommendation or advice or reason(s) for going with 1) Ubuntu with Gnome;
2) Ubuntu and installing KDE; or 3) Kubuntu with KDE?

Thanks for your patience and help,


On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 1:51 AM, Wilbert Berendsen <lily...@xs4all.nl>wrote:

> Hi all,
> I just released Frescobaldi, a brand new LilyPond music score editor for
> KDE4.
> It aims to be powerful, yet lightweight and easy to use, and it currently
> has
> most features of LilyKDE (the KDE3 Kate plugin):
> * Enter LilyPond scores, build and preview them with a mouseclick
> * Point-and-click support: click on notes or error messages to jump to the
>   correct position
> * A powerful Score Wizard to quickly setup a musical score
> * Editing tools to:
>  - manipulate the rhythm
>  - hyphenate lyrics
>  - quickly enter or add articulations and other symbols to existing music
>  - run the document through convert-ly to update it to a newer LilyPond
>     version
> * A powerful Rumor plugin, using the Rumor program to quickly enter music
> by
>   playing it on a MIDI keyboard or even your computer keyboard
> You can download Frescobaldi 0.7 from
> http://lilykde.googlecode.com/files/frescobaldi-0.7.tar.gz
> To use Frescobaldi you need also the latest lilypond-kde4 package, that
> provides icons for the lilypond file type and a KDE service that enables
> point
> and click in LilyPond-generated PDFs. Available at
> http://lilykde.googlecode.com/files/lilypond-kde4-0.2.tar.gz
> Please try it out and help finding bugs :-)
> many thanks and best regards,
> Wilbert Berendsen
> --
> Frescobaldi, LilyPond editor for KDE: http://www.frescobaldi.org/
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Ralph Palmer
Montague City, MA
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