On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 10:03:02PM +0100, Martin Tarenskeen wrote:
> Hi Lilyponders,
> Any Vim users here ? I'm using Vim for editing Lilypond files on a Linux 
> Fedora 9 system. I have syntax highlighting, which is great. How do I 
> enable automatic indentation to make things even easier ?

:set cin ai
will give you pretty good indentation that works for any file. For
indentation tailored to Lilypond's syntax, you will find in
/usr/share/lilypond/*/vim/indent/lilypond.vim the appropriate options.
If you copy all the files in /usr/share/lilypond/*/vim/ to the directory
~/.vimfiles, being careful to keep the same directory structure, and
make sure that the line
filetype plugin indent on
appears in your ~/.vimrc, then the indentation options, syntax
highlighting, and settings for understanding lilypond's output messages
so you can jump to errors in your file (see :help quickfix if you don't
know about this feature) will all be automatically set up when you edit
a .ly file.

"Listen to your users, but ignore what they say." - Nathaniel Borenstein
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