On 11/9/08 1:37 PM, "Glen Hein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You should get the current development version of LilyPond (2.11.6x). It
has the following features that you should be aware of:
1. Predefined fret diagrams are available
2. It is easy to get the fret diagrams all at the same height by using the
FretBoards context.
This should solve all of your problems, and make it lots easer.
Good luck,
Carl Sorensen
> Hello,
> I'm working on an assignment from my guitar instructor, and I'd like to write
> it up with Lilypond. I've got it to work, but there are some tweaks needed.
> 1) How do I factor out the common code? I'd like to make the chords a
> function/macro, but when I do, I get an error for the fret diagram markup that
> immediately follows.
> 2) I'd like to increase the spacing between the main staff and the tab staff.
> The approach I had tried would only increase the spacing on the first line,
> and not the second.
> 3) How do I make all of the fret diagrams display at the same height above the
> staff?
> Thanks,
> Glen Hein
> \version "2.10.33"
> \header {
> title = "Twelve-Bar Blues in E Var. 1"
> subtitle = "For Guitar"
> composer = "Glen Hein"
> }
> rhythm = \markup {
> Shuffle (
> \smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note #"4" #1
> \smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note #"4" #1
> =
> \smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note #"4." #1
> \smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note #"4" #1
> )
> }
> esevenfretdiagram = \markup \fret-diagram #"6-o;5-2;4-2;3-1;2-3;1-o;"
> asevenfretdiagram = \markup \fret-diagram #"c:2-4-2;6-x;5-o;4-2;3-2;2-2;1-3;"
> bsevenfretdiagram = \markup \fret-diagram #"6-x;5-2;4-1;3-2;2-o;1-2;"
> \score {
> {
> <<
> \new Staff <<
> \clef "G_8"
> \key e \major
> {
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> ^\esevenfretdiagram
> ^\markup { "E7" }
> ^\rhythm
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <a, e a cis' g' >4
> ^\asevenfretdiagram
> ^\markup { "A7" }
> <a, e a cis' g' >4
> <a, e a cis' g' >4
> <a, e a cis' g' >4
> <a, e a cis' g' >4
> <a, e a cis' g' >4
> <a, e a cis' g' >4
> <a, e a cis' g' >4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> ^\esevenfretdiagram
> ^\markup { "E7" }
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <b, dis a b fis' >4
> ^\bsevenfretdiagram
> ^\markup { "B7" }
> <b, dis a b fis' >4
> <b, dis a b fis' >4
> <b, dis a b fis' >4
> <a, e a cis' g' >4
> ^\asevenfretdiagram
> ^\markup { "A7" }
> <a, e a cis' g' >4
> <a, e a cis' g' >4
> <a, e a cis' g' >4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> ^\esevenfretdiagram
> ^\markup { "E7" }
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> <e, b, e gis d' e'>4
> }
> \new TabStaff <<
> \clef "tab"
> \override Staff.TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
> \override Staff.Stem #'transparent = ##t
> \override Staff.Beam #'transparent = ##t
> \override Staff.Tie #'transparent = ##t
> \override Staff.Dots #'transparent = ##t
> {
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> < a,\5 e\4 a\3 cis'\2 g'\1 >4
> < a,\5 e\4 a\3 cis'\2 g'\1 >4
> < a,\5 e\4 a\3 cis'\2 g'\1 >4
> < a,\5 e\4 a\3 cis'\2 g'\1 >4
> < a,\5 e\4 a\3 cis'\2 g'\1 >4
> < a,\5 e\4 a\3 cis'\2 g'\1 >4
> < a,\5 e\4 a\3 cis'\2 g'\1 >4
> < a,\5 e\4 a\3 cis'\2 g'\1 >4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <b,\5 dis\4 a\3 b\2 fis'\1 >4
> <b,\5 dis\4 a\3 b\2 fis'\1 >4
> <b,\5 dis\4 a\3 b\2 fis'\1 >4
> <b,\5 dis\4 a\3 b\2 fis'\1 >4
> < a,\5 e\4 a\3 cis'\2 g'\1 >4
> < a,\5 e\4 a\3 cis'\2 g'\1 >4
> < a,\5 e\4 a\3 cis'\2 g'\1 >4
> < a,\5 e\4 a\3 cis'\2 g'\1 >4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> <e,\6 b,\5 e\4 gis\3 d'\2 e'\1>4
> }
> }
> }
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