I have been trying to slightly reduce the font size for guitar fingering, as the default size of number touch when adjacent notes in a chord have fingering, as in the attached file.
However, I can't get the numbers any smaller than the default. If I use \override Fingering #'font-size = #0 Then the numbers are twice as large as the default, and \override Fingering #'font-size = #-6 gives exactly the same size as no size override, whereas my reading of the documentation (sect 1.7.1 in lilypond.pdf) is that using #0 should give the default size and #-6 should give half that size. Ly file is attached. I'm using 2.11.63 on Vista. When I uncomment the \override commands in the three voices, the size of the numbers doubles. Nick Payne
% Created on Sun Nov 09 17:28:18 EST 2008 \version "2.11.63" #(ly:set-option 'delete-intermediate-files #t) #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #t) #(set-global-staff-size 24) \paper { #(set-paper-size "a4") top-margin = 1.5\cm bottom-margin = 1.5\cm line-width = 18\cm % ragged-bottom = ##f % ragged-last-bottom = ##f } \header { title = "Pezzo Tedesco" composer = "Anon. (c. 1575)" } \include "english.ly" % treble up = \relative c' { \textSpannerUp % \override Fingering #'font-size = #0 \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left) \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(up) \set stringNumberOrientations= #'(down) <a'-2 c-1 e>4 <a c e> <a c e> <a'-4> | <g-2>4. <fs-1>8 e4 <g-3>4 | <fs-3> e e <ds-4> | <gs,-1 b e>2. <d'-4>8 <c-1> | b4 <a-3> <b e>2 | %5 <a-3 cs-4 e>2. c8 d | <a-2 c-1 e>4 <a c e> <a c e> <a'-4> | <g-2>4. <fs-1>8 e4 <g-3>4 | <fs-3> e e ds | <b e> <d-4>8 e f e d c | %10 <gs b>4 <a-3> <b e>2 | <a-3 cs-4>2. <c e>4 | } % bass down = \relative c' { \textSpannerUp % \override Fingering #'font-size = #0 \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left) \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(up) \set stringNumberOrientations= #'(down) a4 a a2 | <e g' b>2. <e'-1 b'>4 | <b-2 ds-1 b'> <c-2 e-1 g> <b-1 fs'-3 b>2 | e, <e'-2> | d <e-2> | %5 a,2. r4 | a4 a a2 | <e g' b>2. <e'-1 b'>4 | <b-2 ds-1 b'> <c-2 e-1 g> <b-1 fs'-3 b>2 | <e gs> <d a'> | %10 e4 <f-4> e2 | <a,-2 e>2. <c! g'>4 | } middle = \relative c' { \textSpannerUp % \override Fingering #'font-size = #0 \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left) \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(up) \set stringNumberOrientations= #'(down) \repeat unfold 4 {s1} s2 a'4 gs | %5 \repeat unfold 5 {s1} s2 a4 gs | %11 } thescore = \score { << \context Staff = guitar { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)" \clef treble \key c \major \time 4/4 \tempo 4 = 72 << \context Voice = "1" { \voiceOne \up } \context Voice = "2" { \voiceTwo \down } \context Voice = "3" { \voiceThree \middle } >> } >> \layout { } \midi { } } % only output last five measures (of 4/4) % useful for checking output while inputting %showLastLength = R1*5 \score { \thescore }
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