I am using it to translate end edit an independent portuguese version of
"Counterpoint" by Kent Kennan and "Tonal Harmony" by Kostka and Payne.
It is really wonderful. I could send to you one chapter. It is in
portuguese, but it is understandable with the original to compare.

Hugo Ribeiro

Em Sáb, 2008-11-08 às 15:26 -0600, Jonathan Kulp escreveu:
> David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
> > 
> > I used it for tengtr.pdf, on my site. It is too gnarly for my
> > application, and the next version will be done in html rather
> > than latex for conversion to pdf.  Lilypond-book is ideal for a 
> > counterpoint workbook however. I can hardly wait to link to it.
> > 
> > I suggest that you include the lilypond examples as separate
> > .ly files rather than having the code in the .latex file, for
> > easier maintenance. I wish I had done that with tengtr.latex.
> > A revision will be much more of a nightmare than it could
> > have been. Regards, daveA
> > 
> Yes, I already have it set up this way.  Each chapter is a separate 
> .lytex file, and each of the exercises and musical examples is a 
> separate .ly file.  There's an main index file containing the preamble 
> and links to each of the chapter files via \input{filename.lytex}.  The 
> structure of the project is working great.  I wrote a shell script that 
> runs the lilypond book command and opens the dvi file for preview, or if 
> I include a -p flag it converts the dvi file to .pdf and then opens it 
> for preview.
> I'll share the workbook once it's in decent shape.  Glad you're 
> interested :)
> Jon

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