David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
I used it for tengtr.pdf, on my site. It is too gnarly for my
application, and the next version will be done in html rather
than latex for conversion to pdf. Lilypond-book is ideal for a
counterpoint workbook however. I can hardly wait to link to it.
I suggest that you include the lilypond examples as separate
.ly files rather than having the code in the .latex file, for
easier maintenance. I wish I had done that with tengtr.latex.
A revision will be much more of a nightmare than it could
have been. Regards, daveA
Yes, I already have it set up this way. Each chapter is a separate
.lytex file, and each of the exercises and musical examples is a
separate .ly file. There's an main index file containing the preamble
and links to each of the chapter files via \input{filename.lytex}. The
structure of the project is working great. I wrote a shell script that
runs the lilypond book command and opens the dvi file for preview, or if
I include a -p flag it converts the dvi file to .pdf and then opens it
for preview.
I'll share the workbook once it's in decent shape. Glad you're
interested :)
Jonathan Kulp
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