Le Thu, 9 Oct 2008 10:08:00 +0100,
"Trevor Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :

> Hi David
> Many thanks for this.  The abbreviations are fine as they are - these 
> headwords are not intended to teach anything, they're just to show what is 
> possible.  I added midi output (hope that's OK with you - what tempo do you 
> suggest?) and pushed to git master so we can see how it looks with the 
> formatting imposed by the docs.
> Graham
> Can I see anywhere what this imposed formatting is for headwords so I can 
> try the same formatting locally?

Hello Trevor,

I guess you would like to show how to ask lilypond to produce midi output, but 
you are interested, I have a live recording by Krzysztof Wagenaar [who created 
piece, July the 30th, 2007 in Mirecourt, France]. 

On this recording:

        - the all piece last  8'30" [including 30sec rapid ultimate tuning and
getting the audience 'quiet and ready', until the end with a very impressive 
moment at the end [I was there :-), until applause];
        - the first 'measure' last 20";
        - the extract you have last 1'45"

I can produce wav, ogg and/or mp3 files for the 1st 'measure', the extract I
sent you and/or the entire piece [and post it somewhere on the web], let me 

From the type setting point of view, I wanted to add a thin line and tiny text 
the 1st 'measure' saying 'approximately 20", but I couldn't find out how to do 
so in
a nice way [done by lilypond, well automatically positioned and dimensioned, so 
it would also follow future custom adaptation of measure graphical length ...]. 
someone can help me, many thanks.

In the header, in the meter section [lentement], I also wanted to add 
8 minutes] but had other [and still have] difficulties to solve before latest 
of these type setting little details.

Practically speaking, the piece allows [furthermore 'demands'] a lot of 
by the interpreter, who should make it 'his own'.


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