I thought about using something from one of my own works when doing the
fretted-strings headword, but all of my coolest stuff is published and I
don't own the copyright anymore. I do have some unpublished guitar
music, but it wouldn't have displayed as many features of Lilypond as
the Mertz example that I ended up using.
As for keyboards, I'd be happy to share a solo piano work of mine or
even something for four-hands, as I still have copyright on these
things. Not sure if they'd be inspiring enough or not. The solo piece
"Tarantella" is already engraved in Lilypond and the source code can be
downloaded here if you want to see it:
If I had anything for bowed strings I'd definitely use it, but I don't.
I'm about to start on the Beethoven excerpt...
Trevor Daniels wrote:
Thanks again, Jonathan - that seems the best
approach. I'll replace it straight after
breakfast tomorrow, which means people can see
the Ravel headword for just one day! Make the
most of it!
I hate to say this, but the Keyboards headword
is also by Ravel ...
The most interesting comment in this thread was
why don't we (ie the composers among us - which
definitely excludes me) write our own inspirational head-words? The
features of the associated section
could be fully demonstrated and the composer would
get some publicity in the credit for his/her contribution to LilyPond.
I might take this a
little further. A composer friend of mine (who is
unfortunately wedded to Sibelius) has agreed I
could use a snippet from one of his works for the
vocal headword. Or would you like to contribute
a few bars from your opera, Valentin?
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jonathan Kulp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Graham Percival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: Headword for unfretted-strings
Graham's right. Too much time on copyright. I've selected a very
nice passage from Beethoven's Op. 127 and will begin setting it later
today. With any luck I'll send it out by the late owl and it'll be
waiting with Trevor's breakfast tomorrow ;-)
Graham Percival wrote:
complicated engraving, so it's better for showing off advanced
lilypond features... but really, a nice Beethoven or Dvorak string
quartet will achieve *almost* as most "inspiration", and with
*far* less headache.
The stated goal of finding an inspiration headword for strings are
*not* being met by discussing French copyright law, so this
20+email thread is "garbage"[1].
- Graham
[1] I have to admit that I found the "don't count WWII years
towards copyright for soldiers" law fascinating, and in another
context I'd be happy to continue discussing it. Again, the
"garbage" comment was in the context of lilypond doc improvements.
Jonathan Kulp
lilypond-user mailing list
Jonathan Kulp
lilypond-user mailing list