Hello Gilles, thanks for your respons. I'm using v2.11.58-2 on a Centos 5 Linux system and Jedit on Windows.
It's all about modern music where auto-beam produces the wrong beaming groups. Here's one example that produces the wrong beaming: right = \context Voice = "discant" { \clef violin \time 4/4 \relative b' { <<b8. d fis b>> <<bes,16 d f bes>> <<b,8 d fis b>> <<b,8 d fis b>> <<cis,8 eis gis cis>> <<cis,8 eis gis cis>> <<d,8 f a d>> <<d,8 f a d>> }| } The compiler produces the correct beaming between the b8. and bes,16 chord and between the two b,8 chords. With the default auto-beam setting the next 4 chords are beamed together. In this case the cis,8 chords should Be beamed together and the two d,8 chords should be beamed. I've tried severla options, for example adding \nobeam to the first d,8 chord. As a result the last two chords are Beamed together, but the first two chords (cis,8) are then separated, not beamed. Also tried overriding the default auto-beam, but that didnot produce the correct result (yet). Hope you can help or point me in the direction where to look for a solution. Thanks, Gerard -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Namens Gilles Sadowski Verzonden: maandag 15 september 2008 16:13 Aan: lilypond-user@gnu.org Onderwerp: Re: How to split autobeam Hi. > in a \time 4/4 a sequence of chords is written, patterns like this: > > <<cis,8 eis gis cis>> <<cis,8 eis gis cis>> <<d,8 f a d>> <<d,8 f a > d>> Please always send a working LilyPond code example. It will make it easier to understand what you tried. The above does not compile (I'm using v2.10.33)! > these 4 chords are beamed together. But I need the two chords cis,8 > beamed together and the two chords d,8. The following excerpt might do what you want: %--- \version "2.10.10" theMusic = { \time 4/4 <cis, eis gis cis>8[ <cis, eis gis cis>] <d, f a d>[ <d, f a d>] } \score { \theMusic \layout {} } %--- Best, Gilles _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user _____ Mijn Postvak In wordt beschermd door SPAMfighter 12858 spam-mails zijn er tot op heden geblokkeerd. Download de gratis SPAMfighter <http://www.spamfighter.com/lnl> vandaag nog! _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user