Hi Don,
When I ran your code it worked (i.e. didn't crash Lilypond) but I'm not
using the same version. You're using a pretty old version. Running it
on 2.11.56 worked fine. I've adjusted things just a bit to put them in
a more usual order (this is something that's very hard to get used to
when you first start using Lilypond). Try running this modified version
of your code and see if it helps. It looks a bit funny seeing the bass
octaves in the right hand, but if that's how it's supposed to be then no
problem. If they're supposed to be in the left hand then just switch
the notes from one staff to the other. Good luck,
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff \relative c' {
\time 4/4
\clef bass
<g, g'>8 <a a'> <b b'> <c c'> <d d'> <e e'> <f f'> r
\new Staff \relative c' {
\clef bass
\time 4/4
\clef treble
<e' c>8 r <e c> r <f d>4 <e c>8. e16
Don Ravey wrote:
I've just begun to learn LilyPond and already have this problem: when
I try to use PianoStaff, LilyPond crashes without even writing a log
entry. I uninstalled and reinstalled LP with no effect. If I remove
the PianoStaff reference, it behaves as expected (although I can't get
the results I want, due to my inexperience). I am running LP 2.10.13
under Windows XP. Thanks for any help you can provide me.
\version "2.10.13"
\header {
title = "Keeping Up Appearances Theme"
composer = "Nick Ingman"
arranger = \markup { \fontsize #0.1 "Arr. by Donald Ravey" }
meter = "Brightly"
\relative c' {
\new PianoStaff
{ \clef bass
<g, g'>8 <a a'> <b b'> <c c'> <d d'> <e e'> <f f'> r }
{ \time 4/4 r1
<e'' c>8 r <e c> r <f d>4 <e c>8. e16 }
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