I've just begun to learn LilyPond and already have this problem: when I try to use PianoStaff, LilyPond crashes without even writing a log entry. I uninstalled and reinstalled LP with no effect. If I remove the PianoStaff reference, it behaves as expected (although I can't get the results I want, due to my inexperience). I am running LP 2.10.13 under Windows XP. Thanks for any help you can provide me.


\version "2.10.13"
\header {
title = "Keeping Up Appearances Theme"
composer = "Nick Ingman"
arranger = \markup { \fontsize #0.1 "Arr. by Donald Ravey" }
meter = "Brightly"

\relative c' {
 \new PianoStaff
   { \clef bass
     <g, g'>8 <a a'> <b b'> <c c'> <d d'> <e e'> <f f'> r }
   { \time 4/4 r1
     <e'' c>8 r <e c> r <f d>4 <e c>8. e16 }

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