Gilles Sadowski wrote:
3. Using the lilypond program (on Linux) amounts to learn the following 2
$ lilypond
$ xpdf myfile.pdf
That certainly should not scare away people motivated by the nice printed
scores which this software produces. [Of course, assuming that people
know what a file is, how to edit its contents and what a command is.]
Here's one of the amusing things about linux. If I were a beginning
linux user trying to figure this out, I'd be panicking after reading
this, because my distribution install evince by default for this sort of
thing, not xpdf. I'd be going nuts trying to figure out how to get
it! Of course as an experienced linux user I find it's available in my
distribution and try's pretty cool! The one thing it doesn't do
that I do with evince a lot is use a wild card to look at several pdfs
in the same directory. It gives me a usage comment when I try that. It
also doesn't do postscript files.
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