2008/8/20 Tom Cloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Such a comment is NOT appropriate when dealing with someone who want to join
> the community of Linux users, and, say use Lilypond, but isn't about to
> "read the code". Can't, in fact. The quality of the Lilypond documentation,
> and the clarity of the syntax (in my experience so far) makes it possible to
> do a lot with a modest degree of knowledge. That's good. But when something
> as basic as program installation requires knowledge which I have needed to
> have at any point in the past 6 months, as I said, THEN I think we have a
> real problem.

May I ask how, in your opinion, we could improve this installer? Of
course we wish this software could be used by anyone, out-of-the-box,
no matter their computing skills or their operating system. But we
cannot provide *and* maintain packages for all major distributions (we
don't have enough people and ressources to maintain up-to-date
packages). We used to provide auto-packages, but this seems to be very
rarely used actually (and not easier to use than our current
installer, in fact).

We provide a shell script, that is *perfectly* maintained for both our
stable and development versions, and for a wide range of operating
systems and architectures. It can either be run in root mode (files go
to /usr/local/) or in user mode (files goes to your home directory,
which I definitely do not like but which can be prefered for
non-power-users). What could the next step be?


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