Hi Joseph,

welcome to LilyPond!

You have to set the encoding in jEdit. Menu Entry: Utilities -> Global
Options -> jEdit -> Encodings. As "Default character encoding" you set
"UTF-8". To change the encoding of existing files opened with jEdit,
you double-click onto the encoding on the right side of the status
bar. Then you can change it, too. Then the statusbar shows


2008/8/19 Joseph M. Krush, Ph. D. (MusicTheory)
>     2)  As far as I can see, I have followed all instructions received so
> far.  LilyPond is downloaded and installed, Java is installed, jEdit is
> installed, and under Plugin Manager, LilyPond Tool plugin is done.  I have
> also gone through the first score process, which showed d-e-f#-g-a--a-- 
> a-g-f#-
> e-d--d--.  However, I have a problem with encodings.  No matter what I do, my
> encoding is wrong.  I have Windows XP with Service Pack 2.  The whole page is
> a mess and a message keeps telling me to try a differend encoding.  I have
> tried all encodings that say Windows ______.  Nothing works.  Also, there is a
> line at the top (before the mess starts) that says that this program cannot be
> run in MSDOS mode.  Stuck again, and don't know why.
>     Can you help, please?  Thank you very much.  Joseph M. Krush in Canada.

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