Thanks, I applied all your suggestions.

- Graham

On Sun, 10 Aug 2008 13:40:16 +0100
Daniel Hulme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Looking over NR 1.5.2, I see what appears to be a typo in the fifth
> paragraph of the 'Single-staff polyphony' page.
> "The method exposed creates two new voices when the <<{...} \\ {...}>>
> construction is found in the code; to temporally add only one
> additional voice to an existing one, it is necessary to instantiate
> that voice explicitly."
> I think "temporally" should be "temporarily": this transposition is a
> common error. And "construction", used here and in the next paragraph,
> seems like it would be better as "construct".
> But then I don't entirely follow the paragraph so I might
> be wrong. In particular, I don't think "exposed" is really the right
> word; in fact, I'd rephrase everything up to the semicolon as "Each
> music expression in the <<{...} \\ {...}>> construct is placed in a
> new voice, distinct from the voice for single-voice music;"
> In addition, the little green box at the bottom of the page is in
> German.
> -- 
> "Can you read,  Pooh?"  he asked a  little anxiously.  "There's a
> notice about  knocking and  ringing outside  my door,  which
> Christopher Robin wrote. Could you read it?"  "Christopher Robin told
> me what it said, and then I could." A. A. Milne, ___Winnie-the-Pooh___

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