Hi Neil,

Wow! This is fantastic!! I'm speechless. :-). Thanks to Kevin Dalley too for
the original patch.
So is it safe to assume that these changes will be available in version

Your very truly grateful (and happy) Lilypond user,


On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 5:17 PM, Neil Puttock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Victor,
> 2008/7/2 V!ctor Adán <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Hello All,
> >
> > I'm using Staff contexts with the "line-positions" property modified to
> fit
> > my capricious needs.
> > In doing so I'm running into 2 problems (please see attached png):
> >
> > 1. When I set lines to odd numbers, the duration dots of the note heads
> fall
> > *on* the staff lines rather than within the spaces. It's like Lilypond is
> > hard-coded to put the dots on the even number slots rather that looking
> at
> > the "line-positions" attribute to decide on the best place to put these
> > dots. Is there a way to change this?
> >
> > 2. It seems that the line-positions must be centered at 0, otherwise (as
> in
> > the example below), the bar line is drawn off-center, either moved up or
> > down. Is there a way to have the barline fit the boundaries of the two
> > outermost staff lines exactly without having the line-positions
> 0-centered?
> > I found this mail by Kevin Dalley in the mailing list, so it seems this
> has
> > been an issue before...
> >
> http://www.nabble.com/Does-the-center-of-the-staff-need-to-be-zero--p9507190.html
> It's a good thing you've brought this up, since that post from Kevin
> and another he posted a few days later include patches which fix both
> of the issues you're experiencing; there were some problems with the
> patches which prevented them being applied for testing, so they seem
> to have fallen by the wayside.
> I certainly think they would be a useful improvement on the current
> behaviour, so I've tidied the patches up to make them work with the
> current version; attached is the output of your snippet with the
> patches applied.
> Regards,
> Neil
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