Hi Jesse, Hugo, et al.:

I think this would be a wonderful implamentation for a future version of Lilypond.
I know that lots of people would benefit from a context like this.

Well, in as much as this could possibly be done -- without *immense* amounts of programming (and some AI) -- it's already in there: ChordNames can certainly be overridden to show (e.g.) "V 6/4" in place of "C/G". In other words, using ChordNames.chordNameExceptions and \transpose, you can probably already get pretty close to what you want in the current version.

As for *real* (i.e., human-equivalent) analysis, it will be extremely difficult to have this automated... heck, it's often extremely difficult to get two *humans* to agree on the analysis of a given musical passage! ;-)

Hope this helps!

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