
Thanks for the good example, though are there any other uses for
reusing existing contexts other than setting lyrics?

- Jesse

On 6/3/08, coffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kieren MacMillan wrote:
>> Hi Jesse,
>>> If \context allegedly allows one to add notes to an existing context,
>>> why does the following example not do so?
>>> \version "2.10.33"
>>> \new Staff = "mycontext" \relative c' { c4 d e f g2. }
>>> \context Staff = "mycontext" \relative c' { g'4 g f e d c1 }
>> Because you have asked (implicitly) for two different Staff
>> contexts.  =)
>> What you want is to force the two musics to be *consecutive* rather
>> than *concurrent*:
>> { \new Staff = "mycontext" \relative c' { c4 d e f g2. } \context
>> Staff = "mycontext" \relative c' { g'4 g f e d c1 } }
>> Hope this helps!
>> Kieren.
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> It was helpful for me to understand the example from
> \score{ <<
>        \new Voice = "melody" \relative c' {
>          c2 e | g e | c1 |
>          \new Voice = "verse" \repeat volta 2 {c4 d e f | g1 | }
>          a2 b | c1}
>        \new Lyrics = "mainlyrics" \lyricsto melody \lyricmode {
>          do mi sol mi do
>          la si do }
>        \context Lyrics = "mainlyrics" \lyricsto verse \lyricmode {
>         do re mi fa sol }
>        \new Lyrics = "repeatlyrics" \lyricsto verse \lyricmode {
>         dodo rere mimi fafa solsol }
>      >>
>      }
> In this case the "\context Lyrics" doesn´t start a new line but fit a new
> lyrics part in the existing line (stanza). That means "consecutive"
> lyrics...
> coffer
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