I have cut down the piece I am transcribing to the essentials in the snippet below. I am wondering why the D# one beat before the trill is not being printed as a D# . It is being printed as a D natural - or am I missing something?
Griff #(set-default-paper-size "letter") #(set-global-staff-size 19) \header { title = "No Sharp?" enteredby = "GLM" } \version "2.11.46" % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond versions. allemande = \relative c { \clef bass \key e \minor \time 4/4 \repeat volta 1 { \partial 16 b'16 \appoggiatura {e,,16[ g']} b8 c16( b) a( g fis e) e( dis e fis) b,8( c16 a) b8.( dis16) fis( a) g fis g( b e) ais, b8. } \break \repeat volta 1 { \partial 16 fis16 \acciaccatura a,8 fis'8.( g16) a( fis g b) dis,( e fis c) b8.\trill( a16 e16 e''( d) b( c) a( fis) dis'( e) b g e e,8. } } \book { \score { \allemande \header {piece = \markup {ALLEMANDE \tiny {"(" \note #"4" #1 "= 72)"}}} } } _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user