Hi, I'm attempting to parse/compile (not sure what you call it for lilypond) an Orchestra score I'm writing but I keep getting this error: /usr/bin/../share/lilypond/2.10.25/ly/init.ly:45:70: error: syntax error, unexpected $end (apply ly:make-book $defaultpaper $defaultheader toplevel-scores)))
any words of wisdom? Here's the score forming portion of the lilypond file: \score { % woodwinds \new Staff \partcombine << \FlOne %flute1 \FlTwo %flute2 >> \new Staff \partcombine << \ObOne %oboe1 \ObTwo %oboe2 >> \new Staff \partcombine << \ClarOne %clarinet1 \ClarTwo %clarinet2 >> \new Staff \partcombine << \BsnOne %bassoon1 \BsnTwo %bassoon2 >> %brass \new Staff \partcombine << \FrhOne %frenchhorn1 \FrhTwo %frenchhorn2 \FrhThree %frenchhorn3 \FrhFour %frenchhorn4 >> \new Staff \partcombine << \TptOne %bestrumpet1 \TptTwo %bestrumpet2 >> \new Staff \partcombine << \TTrmbOne %tenortromb1 \TTrmbTwo %tenortromb2 >> \new Staff { \BTrmb %basstromb } \new Staff { \Tuba %tuba } %percussion \new Staff { \Timp %timpani } \new Staff { \Perc %percussioncleff } %harp \new GrandStaff << \HrpTop %harptopcleff \HrpBtm %harpbottomcleff >> %strings \new Staff { \VlnOne %violin1 } \new Staff { \VlnTwo %violin2 } \new Staff { \Vla %viola1 } \new Staff { \Vlc %cello } \new Staff { \Db %doublebass } }
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