Thanks Levi
I know nothing of percussion myself, so I'll copy this to -user to elicit
some responses from those that do. In particular, how best to indicate
"sticking", and the notation for a drum-roll.
However, I'll file this away and pass it on to whoever rewrites this section
of the manual.
Trevor D
----- Original Message -----
From: "Levi Hendricks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 6:38 PM
Subject: other suggestions
I have some more suggestions for when the "rhythmic music" (7.4) section of
the manual gets updated. Section 7.4.1 shows a drum roll being done in a
RhythmicStaff on melodic note outside of drummode (in other words it on a g
not on a sn or bd). Even though the example provides enough clues, it
doesn't explicitly talk about creating drum rolls. The suffix used is ":"
with a value behind it ( in context g1:32 created a whole note roll). I
searched the chapters for the ":" suffix, and with the exception of bar
lines i can't find its use. I even looked through the command index. I would
suggest adding some explicit instructions for drum rolls in future manual
Also, sticking is just as important for a percussionist as fingering is for
piano player. I understand how to use a -4 suffix to add a fingering to a
note, but I have not had success with this in drummode. Also, even being
able to do this wouldn't be so helpful as it would be best to be able to put
capitol "R" and "L" above notes to indicate right or left hand. Again I was
able to make an "L" appear as a fingering in a regular line of music, but
the "R" was complied as a multiple measure rest, and even at that I could
not associate an "L" with a note in drummode for some reason. If this
feature is available there should be documentation in section 7.4 on it for
future manuals, and if it is not available, it should be proposed to be
Hope this helps
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