On 2008/04/09 3:45 PM, "Karl Hammar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Trevor Daniels schrieb:
> ...
>>>     .3 Baroque rhythmic notation (new)
>> Karl:
>> We don't have lilypond examples of this. I have seen this in a Novello
>> score for Purcells Dido. So I suggest we drop this for the moment.
>> (Though an ossia section might show what the editor want.)
>> We actually do have some in the list somewhere, I remember (was it
>> Nicolas) somthing about using empty note heads for quarter notes or
>> something like that -- that's what I am referring to.
> Nice, can you find it?

Are you referring to the notation example in the attached email?


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how can I realize white notation with lilypond?

In the french baroque some composers used white noteheads in slow pieces, 
mainly in 3/2-time.
A quater looks there like a eighth with a white notehead. Look at the picture.

I hope, someone could help me


Franz-Rudolf Kuhnen

<<attachment: white-notation.png>>

--- End Message ---
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