Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:

However, note that with the upcoming LilyPond version 2.11.44, you will
be able to use
    \parenthesize f:sus4

Yes, but notice that the parenthesis is way too small for my taste. The parenthesis is the right size for note heads and accidentals, but not for other parenthesized objects...
Try something like
\once \override ParenthesesItem #'font-size = #0 \parenthesize ...
The default font-size is -6.
(you can define a new music function that does this setting and then does \parenthesize
if you wish to save typing).
I have found that if I do not put any additional words or syllables
after a lyric extender (in the same Lyrics staff context) and where
the music continues onward after the lyric extender should stop, then
the lyric extender will just go on indefinitely!!  That's definitely
not what I want.
I couldn't repeat the problem here. Test case:

I suppose it's the same problem described here:

A quick workaround is to place a "" in those lyrics voices, where no refrain will be shown:
It seems that I happened to invent another workaround when preparing my example in the previous email, namely to use separate Voice contexts for the verse and for the refrain, and attach the different parts of the lyrics to the corresponding Voice.


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