Salutations, y'all!

I have two questions.

How do I put parentheses around a ChordName grob generated from a \new ChordNames { } staff? I'm typesetting some of my cousin's compositions for her and she insists this is very important. The only thing that I've found that comes close to doing what I want is to omit the chords to be parenthesized from the ChordNames context and then tack them on as above-staff markups in the appropriate places —which looks bad because the parenthesized chord markup grobs are not properly aligned vertically with the ChordName grobs. Any help here?

Second question. I have found that when I am typesetting a song with multiple verses but a common refrain, that it looks much better not to have the refrain lyrics repeated on each verse's Lyrics staff above and below each other, but instead to only display the refrain once in a single Lyrics staff context. The trouble with this is that I have verses whose final syllables must be followed by lyric extenders __

I have found that if I do not put any additional words or syllables after a lyric extender (in the same Lyrics staff context) and where the music continues onward after the lyric extender should stop, then the lyric extender will just go on indefinitely!! That's definitely not what I want.

Any advice on how I can get my verse Lyric staffs to terminate gracefully at the start of my chorus/refrain without shooting off their closing lyric extenders?



P.S. I'm not sure how much or how little of my lilypond source or output is necessary or useful for me to send along with my email, and what the best way to do that is (i.e. attachments or links or whatnot), so just let me know what other materials you need to help me crack this problem and I'll send them along as soon as I can.

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