If in your last example you write the \header block outside and before
of the \score block, you obtain what you wanted.
It's true.
So it means that we cannot use oddFooterMarkup for a book with several scores to have, for example the "piece" name in the bottom of a page.

\version "2.11.42"

musicOne = {\repeat "unfold" 25 {c'1 \break} \pageBreak}
musicTwo = {\repeat "unfold" 25 {d'1  \break} }

\paper {
   oddFooterMarkup = \markup {
           \fromproperty #'header:title %% works well
           " - "
           \fromproperty #'header:piece %% doesn't work
\header { title = "MainTitle" }

\score {
   \layout { }
   \header { piece = "piece 1"}

\score {
   \layout { }
   \header { piece = "piece 2"}


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