2008/4/5, Romel Anthony S. Bismonte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Thanks for the upgrade suggestion. I have upgraded to 2.11.43, but the
> tagline and copyright notice still do not appear on the bottom of the first
> page. Perhaps the header needs to be in a different place now that I'm in
> 2.11? Francisco, I noticed in your snippet that the \header block is before
> any notes.
> I tried customizing oddPageFooter... maybe there is a wrong way to do that:

If in your last example you write the \header block outside and before
of the \score block, you obtain what you wanted. Also, if you do not
define the oddFooterMarkup variable, the tagline and copyright will
appear centered instead of flushed left.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

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