Graham Percival wrote:
On Mon, 03 Mar 2008 23:30:48 +0100
John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I (or somebody else) will fix that, but unfortunately, I won't have
time for any serious contribution to LilyPond before a couple of
weeks.  I'm sure I have some time again after April 3th, that's all.

Ok, for your list:
lilypond-book --out=/tmp/ foo.lytex

should imply -I=/tmp/  otherwise lilypnod-book will never find
foo.tex and will then always recreate foo.tex.
(alternately, just improve the searching for the old .tex file)

I don't exactly understand what problem you are referring to. Is it that you
have lines like
and that lilypond-book doesn't find the includedfile.{tex,lytex} file?
However, why should the unprocessed includedfile.tex file be located
in /tmp/? This is where the processed output file will be placed, so
having the original input file in that temporary directory seems silly.

On the other hand, as far as I can see, lilypond-book will not find such
an \input:ted file even if you specify it's location using -I. Rather, it will
search using the same mechanism as is used within LaTeX to search for
files. In other words, you should add the directory to the TEXINPUTS
search path to make lilypond-book find it.


- Graham

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