Laura Conrad wrote:
> I don't think there's any way to use lilypond-book to do real work without 
> several
> kinds of hacks.  I'm using:

>    A hack to get the included files to cause recompilation

lilypond-book *generally* doesn't rewrite an output file if the old
output file is up to date, which gave me headaches in LilyPond
documentation makefiles hacking until I discovered this.  I said
"generally" because I made lilypond-book touch Texinfo output files even
if they needn't be rewritten, to ease makefiles proper operation.  I
guess it would help a lot if lilypond-book touched output files in all

> I think it's worth it to avoid using the hacks which will undoubtedly
> change next month that people are adding to let lilypond do some of
> the work of a real publishing program.  I don't expect anyone whose
> experience of open-source software is limited to lilypond to believe
> this, but I do have LaTeX files from almost 20 years ago that still
> work.

I recently hacked lilypond-book for LilyPond documentation compilation,
I welcome precise feature requests for lilypond-book, although I will
only have some time in April, and a bunch of time in summer to tackle


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