> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: RE: Thematic index
> From: Steve Dunlop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, February 07, 2008 11:00 am
> To: Laura Conrad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >     Kieren> Not that I know of... But just put each example in its own 
> > \score
> >     Kieren> (with ragged-right = ##t, probably), precede it by its own 
> > \markup
> >     Kieren> heading, and I think you'll get what you're looking for [...]
> Yes.  That's what I've been experimenting with.  It's taking a certain amount 
> of fiddling to get
> the surrounding markup really right.
> > 
> <<Laura>>
> > I would have said to use --preview and put the eps files into a table
> > of contents document using your favorite publishing program.  But I
> > keep forgetting that lots of people on this list really believe that
> > lilypond has the potential to be a real publishing program.  (Which is
> > of course true in the long run if they go on working as hard at making
> > it one as some people have been.)
> I'm on a personal mission to publish usable, complete books of open content 
> organ music to sites such as mutopia, Icking, and Wikisource.  Using a 
> publishing program to paste together a book, while a good idea in general, 
> doesn't fit well with that mission and with the openness and reuse goals.
> Steve

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